Grades (Honor Roll / Academic Letter)

Grades and Report Cards

            The following grading scale will be used as standard. All standards in each grade or course must be successfully completed for a student to pass and earn credit toward graduation. If a student has not met all standards at the end of the grade/course, interventions are employed in the classroom and in extended-day programs, and if more time is needed by the student to complete the standards, summer school will be an option for the student with a teacher recommendation.

            Percentage     Letter Grade  Grade Point

            93 - 100           A         4.00

            85 – 92            B          3.00

            77 – 84            C         2.00

            70 – 76            D         1.00

            0 – 69              F          0.00

            Successful completion of an academic/elective enrichment class earns 1/2 unit (.5) of credit per semester. All standards in each grade or course must be successfully completed for a student to pass and earn credit toward graduation.

            ALL SEMESTER GRADES AND CREDITS EARNED ARE RECORDED on the student's permanent record.


Honor Roll

            Straight "A":  All "A's"

            "A":     3.5 GPA and no grade below a "B"

            "B":      3.0 GPA and no more than one "C" with the rest

                                    "A's" and B's"

            Grades earned in partial credit classes will not be included in the calculation of Honor Roll or class rank.

Academic Letter Criteria

Freshman:     Will qualify for a certificate at the end of the year if they have a 3.5 cumulative GPA. A letter will be sent home congratulating the student and explaining that if they continue to keep their GPA at a 3.5 they will qualify for an academic letter after the first semester of their sophomore year.

Sophomores:            Will be eligible at the end of first semester. Must have a 3.5 cumulative GPA.

Juniors & Seniors:   Must have a 3.5 cumulative GPA or earn a 3.5 during any semester of their junior or senior years.

            A teacher may recommend any junior or senior that has not qualified for a letter. This option is for those students who have demonstrated marked improvement and a solid work ethic in their class. This student would need to have a 3.25 cumulative GPA or earn a 3.25 during the semester of their recommendation. A ballot would then be sent to each of the recommended student's teachers. A majority of the teachers would need to vote in the affirmative in order for the student to receive a letter.


Reporting to Parents

Report cards are issued by Powell High School following the end of each 9-week grading period. A schedule for their issuance will be posted in the school bulletin.

A Progress Report may be mailed to your parents during any given 9-week grading period if you are having difficulty or if you are not doing the quality of work expected from you by your teacher.

An Improvement Report may be mailed to your parents at any time during the school year.

Parent-teacher conferences are scheduled at the end of the first 9-week grading period and again the 2nd week in February. This is an effort to familiarize parents with each student's individual classes and teachers, and to provide avenues of communication between the home and school.